Pasquetta - Easter Monday

The tradition of Pasquetta is a closely-held one, maintained with almost religious fervor though it is a civil holiday. The day after Easter Sunday is called "Pasquetta" (little Easter) and is a day to relax.

It was instituted in the post-war period to create a long weekend, which allows people to have a weekend getaway, or at least a "scampagnata" (jaunt to the countryside). In fact, that is the main way to celebrate Pasquetta -pack a picnic and head for the country! Hordes of people go to the mountains, the hills, or the beach, or their own family's country property, to enjoy a picnic or a barbecue outdoors. It is the holiday that heralds spring and is a festive, enjoyable day.

Food often includes something with eggs, in keeping with the Easter theme, like a cold frittata, or a "pizza rustica" filled with greens and hard boiled eggs. Sometimes things get more elaborate, but often it is just a simple lunch of salami, cheese, hard boiled eggs, fruit, good bread, and of course some wine, spent with friends or family.

Antique Markets in Tuscany
Creative shopping, understated purchases and second-hand markets have nowadays become a luxury yen, but in the fifties they did not exist yet, because the reconstruction after two world wars made any piece of furniture or even simple ornaments strictly necessary.
Economical Eats
Staying in one of our villas provides you with a kitchen, saving you money on dining expenses.
Ferragosto - Or Why Italy Closes in August
Have you ever wondered why August is the "ghost month" in Italy?
Festa of the Immacolata
On December 8, a religious observation is also a national holiday that kicks off the Christmas season in Italy.
Music Festivals in Italy
All over Italy, especially in the summer months, the piazzas and parks are alive with the sound of music.
Street Fairs and Festas
High arbors of elaborate lights illuminate the streets, folk or rock music fills the air, delicious aromas waft temptingly, while the cheerful chatter of voices rises.
The Legend of La Befana
Ever wonder about the witch-like woman with a broomstick that you see in Christmas markets around Italy?
Zeppole di San Giuseppe
Saint Joseph's Day is March 19, which is also Father's Day in Italy.

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