Spiaggia dei Maronti Beach

The longest beach on Ischia is found at Barano, on the south side of the island. The crescent-shaped beach is three kilometers long and is hemmed in by hills that are covered in Mediterranean foliage. The soft sand is the perfect place to relax and enjoy the turquoise waters of the sea. You can see Capri and the Sorrento peninsula from here.
This was once a favored landing spot for pirates, who, legend holds, hid their booty in the hills. There are natural caves in the rocks at the ends of the beach, some of which have thermal springs bubbling up in them. The more famous, Sorgenti della Cava Scura, has rock basins filled with hot mineral water where you can soak. There are plenty of beach side services, restaurants, cafes, and shops to enjoy, too.
Have a look at our vacation villas in Capri and Ischia.