Ponte del Garbo

Spanning the Ombrone River leading from Asciano towards Siena is a historic bridge. Most drive or walk over it without much thought, but the Ponte del Garbo's story goes back to the 1200s. Built on the ancient Via Lauretana, the single graceful arch is reminiscent of Roman bridges. Constructed in 1262 a placque was placed at its apex. It was rebuilt in 1555 by Cosimo de Medici and at some point a shrine tabernacle to the Madonna was built at its center. The bridge was destroyed on June 27-28, 1944 by the retreating German troops but rebuilt faithfully following four years. During that period people waded across; eventually a rope bridge was strung up until the masons had it reconstructed again.
The name apparently refers to the people of the area, who were called Garbati, meaning polite or courteous. Today you can cross it by car (one way at a time as it is narrow) or on foot. Walk upstream to admire the handsome line of the structure.
Address in Asciano:
Via Lauretana.
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