Palazzo delle Logge

One of the defining monuments of Arezzo is the graceful portico that highlights the higher end of Piazza Grande. The Logge Vasari, or Palazzo delle Logge, brings Renaissance perspective and harmony to the seeming hodge-podge of styles in this piazza and sews it all together in harmony.
In 1570 Cosimo I de Medici decided to give the piazza a new face and put out a contest for the architectural assignment. It was awarded to hometown architect and artist Giorgio Vasari in 1572. The simple but stately design changed and enhanced the face of the piazza. Vasari's original wooden model for the project is on display in the Casa Vasari in Via XX Settembre.
The simple line of the long portico gave depth to the palazzo and also hid the workshops that were housed under it. Today, there are trendy cafes and restaurants below the loggia. It's pretty much obligatory to sit there and sip something while gazing out at the beauty of Piazza Grande.
Address in Arezzo:
Piazza Grande.
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