Palazzo Corsini

That fanciful palace on the banks of the Arno with its roofline studded with statues is one of the rare Baroque buildings in the Renaissance city of Florence. It belongs to the Corsini family, an aristocratic clan who still reside here, and the monumental palace holds some of their private collection of artwork (though much of it was transferred to their palace in Rome).
Built at the cusp of the Renaissance and Baroque period, it bears a primarily Renaissance ordered facade, but then Filippo Corsini bought it from the Medici in 1649 and undertook a remodeling that gave it the embellishments of Baroque you see today. A beautiful ballroom, grand halls adorned with sculptures, sumptuously painted salons, and a gorgeous garden hidden behind are some of the highlights. The palace rooms can be rented for special events, and the Prince and Princess Corsini also hold charitable functions and cultural events, too.
The garden is also studded with sculptures, laid out in layers for a play of perspective that makes it seem larger than it is. There is a citrus house, and about 100 turtles hanging out, too.
Tours can be reserved by appointment, Monday through Friday. Contact the Palazzo Corsini to arrange a guided tour.
Address in Florence:
Via del Parione, 11.
Ph. +39 055 212 880.
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