Important destination for all lovers of art and nature, housing the stunning Vanvitellian complex. Whoever enters this uncontaminated paradise, in total harness with nature, can get lost among narrow paths and alleys and suddenly face the breathtaking landscape of the Lake, where the Casina Vanvitelliana rises almost like a lagoon flower. It is a place beyond time where it is easy to daydream! The greatest Phlegrean lake is located just behind the promontory of Torregaveta: a thin sand dune separates it from the coast. This beautiful sheet of water has volcanic origins and is part of a group of a craters that form an evocative crown in the Gulf of Pozzuoli, nearby Naples (Agnano, Astroni, Averno and Monte Nuovo). The lake was born above an ardent volcanic land and this is witnessed by the thermal waters, numerous natural Spas and mofettes. Defined fluctuating and stormy, perhaps because of the foamy waves generated during bad weather, the lake can boast three outlets. In the first century AD, an outlet was dug at its southern end, with a tunnel under the hill of Torre Gaveta and is still visible nowadays. Thanks to the presence of fresh water springs, the brackish lagoon has produced high-quality oysters for decades, which were so good to be defined "Fruits of the gods". Even though this custom is no longer alive, the culture of mussels and fishing with nets still continues.

A tiny island not too distant from the shore of the Lake of Fusaro houses the Casina Vanvitelliana, also known as Royal Casino. A hunting residence of inestimable beauty designed by Carlo Vanvitelli, in 1782. it was a place and source of inspiration for poets, artists, worldwide known musicians, like Mozart, who composed here the famous opera "La Clemenza Di Tito". This extraordinary building reached a huge popularity not only as royal casino – where kings used to receive illustrious guests - but even as entertainment place for common people. You will be able to admire things like the baraccone, where boats and fishing equipment were placed; the cassone, the ancient fish warehouse; the so-called Ostrichina, the sunning villa built for want of the king Ferdinand IV, in 1825. The park entrance welcomes tourists in the grand garden, rich in exotic plants and flowerbeds overlooking the lake. Magic, history and nature will guide you in a trip halfway between dream and reality!

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Address in Bacoli:

Via Cuma/SP43.

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