Civil Art Museum Citta di Castello

The civic art museum in Citta' di Castello is one of Umbria's premier museums, housed in a Renaissance palace. The Palazzo Vitelli and is grand garden date to the early 1500s and belonged to the Vitelli family, who were influential allies of the Medici. They built an opulate abode and adorned it with works from master artists to create a noble seat. The palace was restored and donated to the city in 1912 to become its art museum.
There are impressive works on display; many are religious works taken from area churches and monasteries after the religious institutions were suppressed following the Unification of Italy. But there is also an impressive contemporary collection with artists of the 20th century, including Giorgio de Chirico, Mario Maffei, and Nuovolo, among others.
The primary draw, though, is the Renaissance collection. Here you'll find masterpieces by celebrated artists: Raphael, Signorelli, Cristoforo Gherardii, Cola d'Amatrice, Ghirlandaio, della Robbia and Pomarancio are a few of them.
The museum is a must-see in Citta' di Castello, a fine introduction to this art-filled city. It is open from 10:00 AM til 1:00 PM and from 2:30 PM til 6:30 PM. Closed Monday.
Address in Città di Castello:
Via Cannoniera.
Ph. (+39) 075 855 4202.
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